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EDAS是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/EDAS.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
EDAS是什么意思 EDAS在线翻译 EDAS什么意思 EDAS的意思 EDAS的翻译 EDAS的解释 EDAS的发音 EDAS的同义词 EDAS的反义词 EDAS的例句 EDAS的相关词组 EDASEDAS 基本解释

encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis 脑-硬膜-动脉-联合血管病;engineering data analysis system 工程数据分析系统;Ethernet data acquisition system 以太网数据采集系统;

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1. 头盖内外血管间接吻合术:血管障害 Vascular lesion 7 | 头盖内外血管间接吻合术 EDAS 3 | 头盖内外血管直接吻合术 STA-MCA anastomosis 1

EDAS 双语例句


1. Based on the estimation of distribution algorithms with probabilistic principal component analysis, a kind of EDAs based on Niche and PPCA is proposed in this paper.

2. Compared with the traditional EDAS based on Client/Server structure, this system is more open and transplantable with short development period and long operation life. It is the trend of EDAS.

3. EDAs:The design of numerical alarm clock, imitate really with end realization.


4. In contrast to traditional estimate distribution algorithm, parallel EDAs has greatly improved the efficiency when optimizing continuous functions and real time questions.

5. Later the core of EDAs - probability map model was introduced and Bayesian network structure was emphasized. It is a chart model that can show the joint probability distribution function about a set of variables.

6. The improved EDA could take advantage of the randomness and ergodicity of chaos, which could solve the local minima problem of traditional EDAs.

7. And special learning that are used in neural networks broadly. In this approach, the inverse model of the plant is identi edas the initial controller rstly.

8. In recently years, EDAs have become a hot topic in field of evolutionary computation, which attract a large number of scholars carried on the theoretical research and application of optimization about them.

9. The results of Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-ray Spectroscopy (EDAS) measurements show that the interface layer contains Au-Ga intermetallic compound and impurity P, Si.

10. EDAS是什么意思

10. Digital transformation of tiltmeter with edas-3 data acquisition equipment

11. Ingenuity of Digital Craft: Epistemological Reflection on Digital Form Making DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF TILTMETER WITH EDAS-3 DATA ACQUISITION EQUIPMENT

12. This study showed that cortical microvascular density of patients with MMD was rank correlation with improvement of clinical symptoms, improvement of cerebral metabolism, and the extent of revascularization after EDAS.

13. In this thesis, we propose a general ap-proach to analyzing the time complexity of EDAs.

14. Application of EDAS Software System in Study on NBR Compounding

15. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are a new kind of colony evolution algorithms, through counting the excellent information of the individuals of present colony EDAs construct a probability distribution model, then sample the model to produce the next generation.

16. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are a type of evolutionary algorithms based on probability models. Because of the excellent performance of EDAs on optimization problems and the model interpretation, EDAs are receiving more interest in recent years.

17. Estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is a new class of evolutionary algorithms, which combines the statistic theory with evolutionary schemes.

18. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) are new evolutionary algorithms based on probabilistic model and have become a new focus in the field of evolutionary computation.

19. They are sequentially the introduction, literature review, the theoretical framework for this thesis, the contrastive analysis of appraisal resources in EDAs and CDAs and the conclusion.

20. However, most investigations were carried out on the basis of empirical observations. Although some scholars have concerned the convergence properties of EDAs, there is no investigation that analyzes successfully the time complexity of population-based EDAs by rigorous mathematical discussions.

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本文链接: http://edasa.immuno-online.com/view-704605.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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